In ancient Indian scriptures the ÔM is considered to be the most powerful of all mantras.
CD - ÔM The Most Powerful of Mantras
SKU: CD214
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CD - ÔM The Most Powerful of Mantras
In ancient Indian scriptures the ÔM is considered to be the most powerful of all mantras. The others are considered aspects of the ÔM and the ÔM is the matrix of the other mantras.
It is called mátriká mantra, or mantra mater. The ÔM is also the bija-mantra of the ajna chakra, that is, the seed-sound that develops the center of force situated between the eyebrows, responsible for meditation, intuition, intelligence, premonition and hyperesthesia of thought.
Therefore, it is the mantra that produces the best results for the practices of concentration and meditation.