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Book - Chakras, Kundaliní and Paranormal Powers - DeRose - 3rd Edition

Chakras and Kundalini without mysteries, seen as a biological phenomenon. This is the approach of this book by Prof. DeRose.

He manages to transmit, with great clarity, a large body of teachings to the beginner. At the same time, it incorporates a relevant patrimony of knowledge to scholars who have read everything about it.

Book - Chakras, Kundaliní and Paranormal Powers

Author: DeRose

Edition: 3rd

Portuguese language/

Format: 23x16 cm

203 pages

Livro - Chakras, Kundaliní e Poderes Paranormais - DeRose - 3ª Ed.

  • Book - Chakras, Kundaliní and Paranormal Powers - DeRose - 3rd Edition

    Chakras and Kundalini without mysteries, seen as a biological phenomenon. This is the approach of this book by Prof. DeRose.

    He manages to transmit, with great clarity, a large body of teachings to the beginner. At the same time, it incorporates a relevant patrimony of knowledge to scholars who have read everything about it.

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