Pocket book - Vocabulário comparado de Português-Brasileirês - DeRose
Pocket book - Vocab. Portuguese-Brazilian comp
The Pocket books collection of the DeROSE Method continues to grow, now with the launch of the book Comparative Vocabulário de Português-Brasileirês.
With almost 40 years of continuous travels to the Motherland of Brazil, DeRose exposes in this small book a series of fun and depressing real cultural clashes, which occurred between Brazilians and Portuguese when living together in the most diverse circumstances, triggered only by the misunderstanding of some verbal expression used .
The author also presents a wide list of expressions in Portuguese Portuguese that are often incomprehensible to most Brazilians.
It also shows examples of words that, although similar, are written and pronounced in different ways between these two languages, which are now very different from each other.